Elon Update

Hello Blog Friends —

I have been busy this month and I wanted to check in before my regular first of the month posting. Below are my weekly letters to Elon. I’ve gotten quite inspired, thanks to his actions, and am raising hell in my small way. Below are letters #2 and #3, also posted on Facebook and Bluesky.

Letter #2

Friday, March 7, 2025

Hi Elon –

It’s me again, Lucy. Before I list the five things I did this week, I just want to thank you again for the great idea. I never would have thought of it – documenting the good work that we do each week. It gives me much pleasure and I have heard from others that they are doing the same thing. You’ll be hearing from them, too, I’m sure. So, you see, you really started a movement!

  1. I wrote 40 postcards to voters in Wisconsin urging them to vote for Judge Susan Crawford. She is a wonderful candidate. You should get to know her.
  2. I contributed to VoteVets. It’s amazing how many groups there are doing terrific work. And they have T-shirts and stickers you might want to check out….well, maybe not the one that says “Fire Elon.” I know how sensitive you are.
  3. I sent a letter of apology to the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, DC. I’m sure you agree that President Zelensky was treated very disrespectfully. Do you have their address? It’s President Volodymyr Zelenski, Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M Street NW.
  4. I was so embarrassed by the rude and disrespectful behavior of our leadership in the oval office, that I sent a critical letter to our president telling him so. I’m sure you’ll want to do the same. Or, better yet, you could just mention to him next time you see him how upset I am. I would appreciate that.
  5. And, I know you’ll be pleased with this last one. I went public with your “I Did 5 Things” concept. There are now people on Facebook and Bluesky signing up, embracing the idea, and spreading the word. You should be so proud!

OK, that’s it for this week. Again, thank you so much for your inspiration. I’ll be following you closely to see if there are other bits of genius I can act on.

Have a nice day!


And letter# 3:

Friday, March 14, 2025

Dear Elon –

Just reporting on my 5 things I did this week. I think you’ll be impressed. Some of my friends, say, “Oh, he’ll never see your letter or your postcard. Why waste the stamp?” I certainly don’t think it’s a waste stamp to communicate with you, really the most powerful person in the government. That sounds like a real bargain, in fact!

Or they say, “What can one person do? It’s just a drop in the bucket.” I won’t comment on the bucket reference. I am after all nearing the time of kicking the bucket myself, which is all the more reason to speak up, don’t you think? I won’t have that privilege forever. And after all, even if I’m just one person, out here in the sticks, just imagine how many of us there are doing good things each week. It’s must be astronomical!

But enough of my patting myself on the back! Here are my 5 things:

  1. Donated to the Haskell Foundation. The Haskell Indian School has lost a lot of staff and funding. Students are really suffering without supplies, maintenance and teachers. I figure they could use a little help to make up for what they’ve lost. I suppose you know that tribes are sovereign nations that made treaties with the US government, giving up huge land and resources in exchange for education and health care. I hate to think our government doesn’t honor our obligations. Maybe you could explain this to me.  
  2. Wrote to the US Digital Service.  You must know them. They’re in the same building with DOGE. I have been concerned with the reports that our personal information isn’t safe anymore. Apparently young men – I could say hoodlums, but I won’t – are barging into offices, like Social Security, Medicare, Justice and taking reams of data. They seem to have no regard for the Privacy Act. What will they do with that data? It seems to me they could get up to all kinds of mischief. If you see them in the hall, maybe you could speak to them for me. I’d really appreciate it. Anyway, I filed a request to see all the data about me that they now have. I’ll be curious if they found that arrest from years ago.
  3. Donated to the Durham Foundation. This is a courageous couple who sold everything and moved to Ukraine when the war started. They are helping people in many ways, with supplies, communication and transportation.  You might think I’m a millionaire with all the donating I do, but far from it. I learned that you don’t have to give a lot to make a big impact. I like to imagine someone – a secretary, clerk, maybe an intern – opening my letter, pulling out the check and smiling. “Lucy is thinking of us. She cares. How nice.” Maybe that person will feel a little boost – just like the boost I get when I write that $25 check. You must get that same feeling when you make donations, which I’m sure are much, much bigger than mine!
  4. Wrote an Ides of Trump postcard. Postcards are so much fun! I bet the president will be surprised to get thousands, maybe millions, of postcards honoring him. And surely he will appreciate the reference to Julius Caesar… he probably has a laurel wreath ready for the special day.
  5. Organized a meeting of “5 Things I Did” enthusiasts:  You would be so pleased to know how many people have been inspired by your request for the list of 5 things we did last week. In Santa Fe a group of 15 will be gathering soon to plot expansion to other communities. Your good idea has taken on a life of its own!

Well, I could go on, but I know you are a busy man. Just want to say that your brilliant idea has energized many of us to turn up the dial and be ever more productive!

Have a nice day,


14 thoughts on “Elon Update”

  1. Lucy, awesome- I’m loving this project! How about Substack? They/ we could really Benefit from your wonderful sense of humor and insightful comments, and the great things you and your Santa Fe group are doing. As another person lined up for the bucket brigade being almost 80 years old, I was intimidated at first by sub stack, but found my way. It’s not as hard as it seems and their reach is awesome and growing every day. Anyway, thank you so much for this great idea!

    1. Thank you, Laurie. You hit the nail on the head — intimidated by substack. BlueSky was scary enough! But you make a very good argument. I will try!

  2. This is great stuff, Lucy, I will seek to emulate your example when I’m back in the country!

  3. Thanks Lucy, makes me smile to read your 5 things.. we’ve been traveling/cycling in Patagonia and our five things have understandably not been as politically focused. We would have sent postcards but we’ve heard they cost $10 each to mail and rarely arrive at their intended destination so that’s a wash.. but home in the US in a week, will go into high gear for the month we are home. Keep it going! Let the resistance come from all directions

    1. Hi Lori — sounds like a great getaway. Whatever 5 things you’re doing each week must rank high in the “self-care” category, which is critical!

  4. Hi Lucy
    Go Lucy !!
    Just love your blog and 5 things.
    I have put the idea to my networks here in Far South Tassie and they have taken it up with gusto.
    Good luck everyone and hello Chris Moore.Been a long time
    Cheers all

  5. Lucy, thank you for doing this. I sent your link to Robert Hubbell’s substack and heard back from one of the readers thanking me. It’s out there:))

    Keep on keep’in on.

    Jean (Sidwell) Stracy

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