5 Things I Did This Week
Dear Mr. Musk
I heard that you were asking people to list 5 things they did last week, and although I didn’t get a personal request from you the way so many did, I want to be a good citizen. So here are my 5 things. And I might add that I really appreciate your asking because it has cheered me up quite a bit to realize how productive I have been.
#1 – I went online and doubled my monthly contribution to Democracy Forward. I’m sure you’ve heard of them. They are filing dozens of lawsuits and are winning some. You like winners, so I’m sure you’ll understand my wanting to be on their team.
#2 – I sent a donation to Tomorrow’s Women, a wonderful non-profit committed to building relationships between young Palestinian and Israeli women who have experienced so much of the same violence and terror in their lives, and who want to break the chain of hate and retribution and find peace through friendship and understanding. This non-profit has lost one-third of its funding due to the loss of USAID support. Oops, now I’ve gone and used several bad words in this paragraph – women, peace, relationship, friendship, non-profit and the killer, USAID. I don’t mean to upset you, but please keep reading and I will try to redeem myself.
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