Towhee, the Olympian

I caught the men’s gymnastics on TV and as usual was quite amazed at what those Olympians can do, flinging their bodies around, leaping, twirling, flipping, muscles rippling. I thought about the years and years of physical pain and emotional stress it takes to be that good. I also saw a snippet of women’s rugby and was quite taken with their rugged determination as they fought their way into a heap of bodies, scrambled out of a heap of bodies, someone clutching the ball and charging toward the end zone. No worries about a broken nail, or a broken nose for that matter. I loved their fierceness.  

Spotted Towhee (internet photo)

And then I went outside into our patio to check on another amazing feat. A spotted towhee has chosen a hanging flower basket in which to birth and raise her babies. I was about to spray the hose on the basket a couple of weeks ago when something fluttered and flew from among the flowers. I stopped and peeked and there was her elegant, sturdy nest, tucked into a hollow between the flowers. There were 3 eggs, and the next time I looked there were 4. I marveled at her choice of locations, about 4 feet from the ground, sheltered from sun and heavy rain by the branches of a large crabapple tree. It is a lovely nursery with yellow flowers to greet the babies, a gentle rocking when there’s a breeze. And the patio traffic is minimal, just me and Roberto making trips to vehicles, to his workshop, or to get the mail. And best of all our two indoor cats can only drool through the window.

hanging basket with hidden nest

Hers is a marathon event. She sits on the eggs 24 hours a day, without a coffee break, without checking her phone. Such stamina! She instantly flies into action when any danger comes near. Such athleticism, (and acting ability)! She is single-minded in her task to protect and hatch those eggs. Such focus! She gives everything she’s got to win that gold. Such dedication, such love!

And like an Olympic athlete, she has support. Her mate is always nearby, cheering her on with his perky birdsong.

mother on nest, tail straight up — look at that form!

And when she has completed her event, I’m sure her mate will be there with a nice fat beetle for her, and maybe a tiny bottle of champagne. OK, I went too far. I won’t even mention the tiny gold medal I am making for her….

I was hoping the eggs would have hatched by now, but rest assured, they will be thoroughly photographed grand-birdies!

8 thoughts on “Towhee, the Olympian”

  1. What a gift ! To be lost in nature’s simple elegant fortitude as it progresses! And the honor of being so trusted!

  2. Love this!! Thanks for the lovely photos and commentary. Still smiling . . . .

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