5 Things I Did This Week

Dear Mr. Musk

I heard that you were asking people to list 5 things they did last week, and although I didn’t get a personal request from you the way so many did, I want to be a good citizen. So here are my 5 things. And I might add that I really appreciate your asking because it has cheered me up quite a bit to realize how productive I have been.

#1 – I went online and doubled my monthly contribution to Democracy Forward. I’m sure you’ve heard of them. They are filing dozens of lawsuits and are winning some. You like winners, so I’m sure you’ll understand my wanting to be on their team.

#2 – I sent a donation to Tomorrow’s Women, a wonderful non-profit committed to building relationships between young Palestinian and Israeli women who have experienced so much of the same violence and terror in their lives, and who want to break the chain of hate and retribution and find peace through friendship and understanding. This non-profit has lost one-third of its funding due to the loss of USAID support. Oops, now I’ve gone and used several bad words in this paragraph – women, peace, relationship, friendship, non-profit and the killer, USAID. I don’t mean to upset you, but please keep reading and I will try to redeem myself.

#3 – I sent a “You go, girl” message of support to Melanie Stansbury, a mighty New Mexican congresswoman who, as ranking member on the DOGE subcommittee, has spoken out loudly and frequently against the chaos that is happening at the federal level. She has introduced a bill in congress, the title of which I’d rather not print, because it does reference you personally, and I certainly don’t want to get on your wrong side!

#4 – And then I thought, well, the other four in our New Mexico delegation (Reps Teresa Leger Fernandez, and Gabe Vasquez, and Senators Ben Ray Lujan and Martin Heinrich) are simply awesome, and so I called their offices to thank them for all the good work they are doing and  for fighting for all those who aren’t millionaires…or billionaires. No offense.

#5 – Finally, my piece de resistance – oops, another unfortunate word. Please forgive me. I’m having a hard time controlling my tongue these days. I decided to write a letter, a real one, on paper, to Secretary of State Mario Rubio. I was worried about how to find his address, but I just googled US Secretary of State mailing address and I got: 2201 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20520 I put a stamp on it and my return address. I suppose hearing back from him is too much to hope for, but I’m really hoping that he will read it. I’m excited and am going to google mailing addresses for all kinds of people that need to hear from me. But back to #5 on my list, here is my letter to Secretary Rubio. I actually cut a sentence about chainsaws and how someone belonged in a grade “c” horror movie, just so you know I’m trying to be diplomatic here.

“Dear Secretary Rubio:

 I always thought you were a reasonable, honest person with a heart. I was relieved when you were appointed Secretary of State. At least there will be one sane person in the Cabinet, I thought. But I am so disappointed — no, make that angry — with your spineless position with respect to USAID. You are taking a chainsaw to the whole forest when you should be walking the land, learning where the problems are and doing some selective thinning.

USAID employees who have given their heart and soul to their work on behalf of this country are treated like criminals, robbed of all rights, left high and dry, often with families. They have been insulted, demeaned, told they are headed for the wood chipper. They are living in confusion at best, panic and desperation at worst; they are paranoid, trying to stay hidden, out of sight, afraid to stand up for themselves. Take charge and treat these people like the dedicated human beings they are. You are the Secretary of State. We are depending on you for a sensible, humane, measured approach — for the sake of employees and of the millions they serve around the world.

Lucy Moore, Santa Fe, New Mexico”

OK, that’s all for this week. I will be sending you my list of 5 things every week from now on. And thanks again for the great idea. It has done wonders for my morale!

44 thoughts on “5 Things I Did This Week”

  1. Dear Lucy,
    This is a great list. I, too have done most of them, including writing to Trump. Willl probably get me audited if there is anyone at the IRS to look at my tax return!
    Keep up the good work, and I, too will do my five things each week to try to Make America Great Again (in the best sense and not the world according to Trump!

    1. Oh, Pam I’ve been thinking of you so much. I thought about how Ken would be tickled by the 5 things concept — I consider him my angel cheerleader. All my love to you, and thank you so much for your support.

  2. you inspire me once again, thank you Lucy … i might follow suit. I did already send thank you notes to all of our congresspeople ‘cuz this has got to be very hard work for them this round!!!

  3. Lucy,

    As always, I love your writing. However, this made me smile with joy! Fabulous piece all the way around.

  4. i shared your blog with a couple of my writing professor – friends, poet Miriam Sagan and author Pam Houston; also shared with my writing group and they went wild with enthusiasm … i think elon may be getting more mail. thanks again Lucy, regards, susan nalder

  5. You go, girl!

    As a retired fed (EPA), I am aghast at all that is going on right now, and I feel for my former colleagues who are bearing the brunt of this chaos. How many people will be hurt, and how long will it take, if ever, for the U.S. to repair the damage to our standing in the world?

    1. I share your grief, Eric. I also have many EPA, DOI friends and colleagues. Our standing in the world is shot. I can only hope that the rest of the world carries on in good ways, as we go to hell in a handbasket — I’ve always loved that phrase, just never thought I’d be IN one.

  6. The first of my five things this week will be to send this to a bunch of people. This may be the beginning of a famous five things club/movement. Unless, of course, we could up the number. This blog is just the kind of creative, uplifting, resistance we need. What a great post, Lucy. Thank you so much! (Plus, I’ll give to any organizations you tell me to.)

    1. Thanks so much, Ann. Really appreciate your spreading the word! as for organizations to support, my list grows daily. There are those that are on the frontline of the resistance like Democracy Forward, then there are those like Tomorrow’s Women on the frontline of impact who need money to fill the gap from the loss of federal money. I’m trying to do some of both. I welcome recommendations.

    1. Thanks, Joanie. An embarrassing admission — it was very fun to ridicule. Really gave me a boost, so empowering! A clue into the complex and not always pretty human nature.

  7. Good work, Lucy. You nailed it and inspired more of us to point out the hypocrisy.

  8. Thanks Lucy! You have always been an inspiration. Great ideas to share with those looking to move forward.

  9. You’ve done it again, Lucy! Dished out heaps of inspiration and seasoned with your can-do spirit.

  10. My niece is one of those in limbo at USAID and a friend works for an Africa based contractor. This is all so crazy. I love thinking of all the messes that AI will
    Have sorting these 5 things!

    1. My son works/worked for USAID in Kosovo, with the agency 15 years, loving his career, believing in it, in the Philippines, West Bank, Germany, and Kosovo. He is heartbroken, furious, his family uprooted, homeless — but his is not the worst story by far!! Don’t get me going…. it was such a boost to give the master bully a taste of ridicule.

  11. Lucy – You set the standard once again! You are inspirational. I’m starting my list for next week and like Ann, I’m sending this to my own list of friends and activists as a first step.

    1. Awesome, John. Thank you very much for passing it on. That is what I hoped. Hope you are well, and in fighting form for what lies ahead!

  12. Realmente te admiro Lucy, gracias por darnos esa lección de coraje que siempre hemos conocido de ti.
    Desde Chile, te amamos

  13. Excellent letter and many more to follow. Please check out the “5 Calls” app, which makes calling Congressional offices very easy. It would be really great if we could get friends in red and purple states to use it. Imagine calling Ted Cruz’s office every day!

    1. Yes, I know “5 calls” — I also call the main congressional switchboard so I connect with other states… I know I don’t count out of state, but it feels good.

  14. Go Lucy and hello Chris.
    I grieve for the US I used to know when I lived there in the 1990s.
    and I share your immense frustration and anger for the destruction being foisted on the US, NM rest of the world by the Trump oligarchy.
    Keep up the good fight and the 5 things Movement.The rest of the world is watching and holding its breath.
    We aew with you,

    1. So good to hear from you, Rosemary. Thank you so much. Having the world’s eyes on us is inspiring to me. I will do all I can to make them proud.

  15. Lucy, you are wonderful. I look forward to sending Elon my own Five Things. And I, too, love thinking of someone (AI, surely) summarizing them each week. Way to make the government lots more efficient , Elon!
    Thanks, Lucy, for making me smile!

    1. Love that you’re sending to Elon! I was cooking tofu the other night, and I thought, hmmm, I bet Elon hates tofu. Maybe I’ll count it as a thing? I set up a site at Blue Sky (@5-things-I-did). I’m hoping will post pics of their cards to Elon. Feel free!

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