Letter to Elon #5
March 25, 2025
Dear Elon
Such exciting news! I know you will be very pleased – and impressed, I hope. Last night was the first meeting of the “5-things-i-did” group. My friends teased me, saying that you were pulling up in front of the house in your Tesla, that you were actually going to join us. I was pretty sure it couldn’t be true, but I also couldn’t help but glance out the window just in case. I know how busy you are, but maybe you’ll take a swing through some western states and we can meet. I have some important messages from folks in the southwest that I’d love to pass on to you.
Anyway, back to the gathering last night. Fifteen like-minded people came to write postcards and talk about all the great “5-things” they did last week. Just think, 5 things x 15 people = 75 things! And that’s just in one week from one little group out here in the sticks. I know there are other “5-things-i-did” groups springing up all over. You better get a bigger inbox for the avalanche of postcards you’ll be getting.
I shared all the things I’ve done since you inspired me, and everyone added to the list. We now have dozens of places to put our money, our energy and our support to be sure that we can hang onto our democracy. We’ll be meeting again in a month to talk about more things we can do. I would love to put one of my postcards on a billboard on the interstate, giving you credit for the idea of course. Wouldn’t that be fabulous? You’re probably sick of hearing it by now, but I am forever grateful for your genius idea to report five things we did each week.
And before I go, please take care of yourself. The recent pictures of you look a little pasty. I think I see bags under the eyes, and you don’t seem to be combing your hair in the morning. These can be serious signs of stress, depression and bad diet. Be sure to eat healthy. I’ve got a good tofu recipe I’ll pass on.
Have a nice day!
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