I hear zoom complaints every day. “I cannot stand one more zoom call.” “I am zoomed out.” “I will be so happy to get back to work in person.” Yes, you’ve probably heard them, too. In fact you may be one of them. Well, here’s where we part company, because (drum roll) I love zoom!
What’s not to love? You barely have to get dressed. All that counts is from the chest up. A nice top, shirt, maybe a scarf, earrings and I’m set. I have a beautiful cashmere sweater, blue-green, that the moths loved as much as I did. But, lucky me, the holes are in the back, so it is now my zoom uniform…zoomiform.
As I have written in an earlier post, I wear hearing aids, which of course help, but fall short when it comes to mumbling, the soft talker who always sits in the back, people talking over each other, or that wonderful punch line that everyone is hooting about except you. On zoom, I am like my old hearing self. All the voices come in strong and clear, and in a pinch I can read lips because the faces are all close-ups facing me.
Many of my clients – agencies, organizations, companies – have figured out that they can get more accomplished, and usually cheaper, on zoom. I have more work than I can handle, all of it really interesting and worthwhile, including projects that were languishing because it was so hard to bring people together in person. There were so many challenges: finding a venue for a meeting, finding a date that worked for everyone, flights and hotels, food, audio-visual and tech support for the presentations, transportation for field trips and more. It’s a wonder we ever got anything done. Now, with most people at home sitting in front of the computer anyway, it’s not that hard to find meeting dates and times. Panelists and presenters are sitting around waiting to be asked. And the luncheon fare is do-it-yourself. As for the tech support, careers are being built on zoom-proficiency. There are fabulous young people ready to put the event together with recording, presentations, videos, music, breakout rooms, polling, chatting, all kinds of bells and whistles.
All this is compelling, but let me tell you why I really love zoom. As a facilitator and mediator, I am constantly trying to balance power at the table. I’m speaking of the real table with real people around it. Tables in past projects would have included some formidable power players – maybe a CEO, an aggressive attorney, a philanthropist, an elected official, a professor, a large landowner, a renowned scientist, someone from the media. Of course I am stereotyping to make a point, but these people often ooze power when they walk in the room. It’s not their fault. Our culture and our system honor and elevate certain kinds of power. We all feel it, we know it in our bones. Others at my table may be community members, those for whom English is a second language, those with less education, students, elders, all the rest of us without those attributes of power. Dealing with all these energies in the flesh can be challenging when all I want to do is create a space that is dedicated to productive, respectful conversation and thoughtful, fair decision-making. So I balance power as best I can. I may provide interpretation, tutoring in a technical subject, money for transportation or child care to those who need it in order to participate fully and effectively. I may make time and space for building relationships, sharing values, even telling stories. All this with the goal of achieving equality at the table.

But, if we are on zoom, abracadabra! We are all in our little boxes, each box the same size as all the others. Those oversized personalities, those wielders of power have no more territory than the grandmother from the nearby village. Looking at them all, my participants, lined up makes my heart sing. Zoom has reduced – or elevated – us all to the same plane. My job is not over, of course. There will be power plays and intimidating talk, raised voices and aggressive gestures, beads of sweat, deep sighs of frustration. But all that will happen in the confines of the two- or three-inch-square box. We will all arrive on the screen as equals. There will be no swaggering into the room, setting a pricey briefcase on the table, leaning back in the chair, gazing around the table, choosing someone to chat with that will enhance your power. Efforts at intimidation, conscious or subconscious, fall flat. The grandma, the CEO, there they are side by side, same size heads, each important in their presence and what they have to offer. I find it so refreshing, and my job becomes much easier.
Zoom events also enable people to participate who ordinarily couldn’t afford the cost or wouldn’t have been invited. This includes the huge number of webinars, courses, trainings, and entertainment that is available online. But it also includes the kind of work I do, bringing together the full diversity of people who have a stake in some issue or conflict. The challenge is always how to bring to that real-life table those who are representing an interest that deserves to be part of the dialogue and decision. It may be a tribal leader, a farmer, a community member, a social justice advocate, any of dozens of groups that we recognize as needing a seat at the table if we are to achieve the kind of balanced and just society we aim for. Traveling to a site for a gathering is a big undertaking, and I have seen many budgets unable – and clients unwilling — to support the participation of those who should be there. They become the casualties of a system that prioritizes them last. But lo and behold, zoom welcomes them into the fold! All we need is more boxes. We can even offer those voices a greater role, as a presenters or a panelists, bringing their message to the group with added strength. And critically, we can include more than the token person that might have been invited to the in-person event, allowing the sponsors to “check the diversity box.” With no travel costs, no strain to the budget, there is no limit to the numbers who can join the conversation.
So, as zoom wanes and in-person returns I will not be celebrating. Rather I will be hanging on to my screen, the great equalizer, pleading with clients to “zoom it” just one more time. There is a lot of talk in the field about hybridizing the public involvement and stakeholder processes, with some in person and some on the screen. I’m not sure how that will work, but I fear that those in-person folks will make a power grab. If they try, I will be there to defend and advocate for my participants in their boxes and make sure that the balance and equality is honored. In the meantime, all I know is that I love zoom.

That was a wonderful critique of Zoom and also of our often used decision-making system.
I’m so thankful you’re out there helping to equalize the power.
Thanks for all that you do!
Always happy to know you’re out there, Dotty, and appreciate all you give to those around you.
thank you, lucy. i shall forward this wonderfully insightful piece to family and friends. your point about power and equalizing is fascinating.
one of my sons, who flew everywhere and often as part of his job, had decided, about six months before covid, to set up an office in the house that would be state of the art for communication so that the waste engendered by flying could be cut to almost nothing. as you can imagine, this has been incredibly beneficial during this past year….and will also be in the years to come.
for me, giving workshops on zoom and having weekly gatherings with my children who are spread from coast to coast (and reading charlotte’s web with friends to and with chong chong, 7 years old, one of my grandkids…), has been a joy. when i return to giving workshops in person, i shall meet with everyone the week before and the week after on zoom.
thank you,
Great insights and stories, Judy. Thanks so much. That’s a great idea to add zoom check-ins before and after in-person meetings.
Your blogs range from merely excellent to fabulous. This was one of the fabulous ones!
you are a sweetheart!
Great commentary. I became tired of Zoom when I was teaching and it seemed that all the energy went one way. –out. Not much coming back. But I liked it for doctors appts. where I could ask questions, listen to the answers and take notes. And take a yoga class. I also had a faulty internet connection which needed correcting.
You make great points. I think Zoom is here to stay.
Good to hear from you, Judith. I have done a couple of workshops or trainings on zoom, and yes, it often does feel one-way, me pouring myself out there, not knowing how I am landing. But, I tell myself, that’s often the way it is in person….and I didn’t have to get on a plane!
I didn’t want to do zoom at first, found it a little scary – but the groups I so enjoy all survived the pandemic by zooming and I came to see it as a savior for the human contact we all need. Next, I realized that zoom simply broadened our horizons all the time. We’re in our eighties, live out of town, and subject to weather conditions often – zoom is a gift and will continue to be part of our lives and gratitude daily.
Yeah! Another zoom groupie — thanks, Goose.
this message is from my friend Lynn Hathaway, for whom captcha was not cooperating today:
“Lucy, I just read your article in Green Fire Times. You continue to do important work for our community. Thank you.
And “hello” to Dotty and Ken!”
I too have become a fan of zoom. I also like being able to “black out” while still being able to hear and see, but they cant see me. Like Torah study, where MY presence is not necessary for the group, and I can make breakfast and still hear the lesson. I like the fact that I dont have to go anywhere, to a meeting at someone house, and they dont have to clean and provide drinks and snacks. It works out quite well, especially in bad weather. And. like you said, people can join from many miles away.
The one group I miss meeting in public is my Mahjong group. On line is just not the same. Everybody else can go zoom.
Also I miss giving real hugs, not virtual.
You nailed it, Linda. Hugs and mahjong don’t work via zoom. And you make a good point about being able to drop out by turning off the video so you can stretch, walk around, putter, whatever and still be part of the audience.
Absolutely awesome as always my sweet friend – such truths here; I plan to forward this far and wide. We’ve found at my agency that participation has INCREASED greatly in this virtual world, and I don’t see that changing even after we go back to being in-person. Virtual is here to stay for all the reasons you note and more, as I continue, in my agency work, to try and level that playing field so that all voices are heard.
This is wonderful, Susan. You are such a special colleague, a state away in Texas, doing such good work. Thanks for reaching out. love to your gorgeous daughter (husband, too!)
Yes, Lucy. This is a great blog. I am a person who has been avoiding zoom (and the like) for years.
I’ve committed myself to one experience so far, and I didn’t have to think about all the things (hierarchies) etc. that you have thought about, and so well and carefully. When one is on zoom, it’s a bit like being on stage – the spotlight is ‘on’. As a person checking in, I’m looking at background decor for clues! Books, flowers, paintings etc.
As a person on zoom I’m trying to concentrate on looking at the screen.I need practice. Some courage, perhaps?
Your reasons for coming to terms with the technology are dead on.
Thanks, Myv. So glad you mentioned backgrounds. I find myself obsessing over backgrounds, and rather resentful when someone is using a digital one — tropical beach, mountain peaks, etc. I love to see people in their native habitat, and if a cat jumps up and suddenly a furry tail passes in front of someone’s face, my day is made! Again, it is a humanizer for us all. We all live somewhere, work somewhere, and to get a glimpse is like being “invited in.” When we all come to a meeting in a conference room, or a hotel meeting room, all those habitats remain a mystery.