17 thoughts on “Why I Love Zoom”

  1. Lucy,
    That was a wonderful critique of Zoom and also of our often used decision-making system.
    I’m so thankful you’re out there helping to equalize the power.
    Thanks for all that you do!

  2. thank you, lucy. i shall forward this wonderfully insightful piece to family and friends. your point about power and equalizing is fascinating.

    one of my sons, who flew everywhere and often as part of his job, had decided, about six months before covid, to set up an office in the house that would be state of the art for communication so that the waste engendered by flying could be cut to almost nothing. as you can imagine, this has been incredibly beneficial during this past year….and will also be in the years to come.

    for me, giving workshops on zoom and having weekly gatherings with my children who are spread from coast to coast (and reading charlotte’s web with friends to and with chong chong, 7 years old, one of my grandkids…), has been a joy. when i return to giving workshops in person, i shall meet with everyone the week before and the week after on zoom.
    thank you,

    1. Great insights and stories, Judy. Thanks so much. That’s a great idea to add zoom check-ins before and after in-person meetings.

  3. Great commentary. I became tired of Zoom when I was teaching and it seemed that all the energy went one way. –out. Not much coming back. But I liked it for doctors appts. where I could ask questions, listen to the answers and take notes. And take a yoga class. I also had a faulty internet connection which needed correcting.
    You make great points. I think Zoom is here to stay.

    1. Good to hear from you, Judith. I have done a couple of workshops or trainings on zoom, and yes, it often does feel one-way, me pouring myself out there, not knowing how I am landing. But, I tell myself, that’s often the way it is in person….and I didn’t have to get on a plane!

  4. I didn’t want to do zoom at first, found it a little scary – but the groups I so enjoy all survived the pandemic by zooming and I came to see it as a savior for the human contact we all need. Next, I realized that zoom simply broadened our horizons all the time. We’re in our eighties, live out of town, and subject to weather conditions often – zoom is a gift and will continue to be part of our lives and gratitude daily.

  5. this message is from my friend Lynn Hathaway, for whom captcha was not cooperating today:

    “Lucy, I just read your article in Green Fire Times. You continue to do important work for our community. Thank you.
    And “hello” to Dotty and Ken!”

  6. I too have become a fan of zoom. I also like being able to “black out” while still being able to hear and see, but they cant see me. Like Torah study, where MY presence is not necessary for the group, and I can make breakfast and still hear the lesson. I like the fact that I dont have to go anywhere, to a meeting at someone house, and they dont have to clean and provide drinks and snacks. It works out quite well, especially in bad weather. And. like you said, people can join from many miles away.
    The one group I miss meeting in public is my Mahjong group. On line is just not the same. Everybody else can go zoom.
    Also I miss giving real hugs, not virtual.

    1. You nailed it, Linda. Hugs and mahjong don’t work via zoom. And you make a good point about being able to drop out by turning off the video so you can stretch, walk around, putter, whatever and still be part of the audience.

  7. Absolutely awesome as always my sweet friend – such truths here; I plan to forward this far and wide. We’ve found at my agency that participation has INCREASED greatly in this virtual world, and I don’t see that changing even after we go back to being in-person. Virtual is here to stay for all the reasons you note and more, as I continue, in my agency work, to try and level that playing field so that all voices are heard.

    1. This is wonderful, Susan. You are such a special colleague, a state away in Texas, doing such good work. Thanks for reaching out. love to your gorgeous daughter (husband, too!)

  8. Yes, Lucy. This is a great blog. I am a person who has been avoiding zoom (and the like) for years.
    I’ve committed myself to one experience so far, and I didn’t have to think about all the things (hierarchies) etc. that you have thought about, and so well and carefully. When one is on zoom, it’s a bit like being on stage – the spotlight is ‘on’. As a person checking in, I’m looking at background decor for clues! Books, flowers, paintings etc.
    As a person on zoom I’m trying to concentrate on looking at the screen.I need practice. Some courage, perhaps?

    Your reasons for coming to terms with the technology are dead on.


    1. Thanks, Myv. So glad you mentioned backgrounds. I find myself obsessing over backgrounds, and rather resentful when someone is using a digital one — tropical beach, mountain peaks, etc. I love to see people in their native habitat, and if a cat jumps up and suddenly a furry tail passes in front of someone’s face, my day is made! Again, it is a humanizer for us all. We all live somewhere, work somewhere, and to get a glimpse is like being “invited in.” When we all come to a meeting in a conference room, or a hotel meeting room, all those habitats remain a mystery.

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